
Igpaho Elementary School lies in the mountains near the town of Tubungan about a two hour drive from Iloilo, Panay’s biggest city

Igpaho Elementary School


August 202 means a return to limited face to face leaning - for the teachers,if they are lucky and have transport by motorbike or perhaps like the students there is always the 1 hour 40 minute walk.


Due to it's remote position, lack of communication as well as the current Covid restrictions the students and teachers face substancial difficulties in following the modular based learning system.


Recently with the help of the barangay Pisonet was established and extended to the school

Feeding program

Around half the students here are in the government’s food subsidy program where the school provides an 18 peso meal every day.

How we help

Initially we provided photocopying paper, plastic envelopes and inserts to enable the students to take their work to and from school.


In February 2021 as the students continued their education at home ODE provided the school with a new printer to help prepare their learning materials.


In October 2022 ODE was able to arrange the supply and installation of a 55 inch internet connected smart TV for use in the classroom. A difficult project as it meant the TV had to be caried the 4 kms from the road to the school and then linked the the Pisonet system in the barangay.

Did you know?

Igpaho is only accessible by walking or if it is not raining by motorbike.

It has around 160 students  from years K to 6 who are mainly from an indigenous background.

Our impact

"Thank you so much ODE for extending help to Igpaho Elementary School.  Your kind and generosity is a great help to continue the education of our children especially this time of crisis."


Fely Paniza