Did you know?

Balila Elementary School has around 1200 students.


36% of the population of Balila is under 15 years old.


Around 40% of the families here are living below the poverty line in a predominately rural and subsistance farming population.


Lantapan is known as the "vegetable basket of Mindanao".


At around 2,000 feet Balila is one of the fourteen barangays in the municipality of Lantapan in the province of Bukidnon on Mindanao Island in the south of the Philippines.


Set in the hills near Lantapan a couple of hours drive south of Cagayan d' Oro, Balila with a rural population often struggles financially.

How we help

We provided Rizo ink as well as some masters for their laser photocopy machine.


Well done to the Balila Elementary School pupils in grade 6 Kenth zyre Romeo Hiyan, Brant Nathan Tamayo Rubin and Jonnabel Acapulco BalagnoJulia and from the kindergarten Nichole L. Rubio, Erza Steffi P. Carpentero and Nyhgie Ace G. Cardosa who have just received their awards in July 2021.

Balila Elementary School

Our impact

"Thank you so so much Overseas Development and Education for making Balila Elementary School as one of your recipients of the educational assistance for our top three academic performers in grade 6 and kindergarten. Together with parents, pupils and teaching staff of Balila ES we are forever grateful. "

Divina Baconguis Labor, Head of School


"Thank you so much ODE Balila Elementary School is so blessed as receipient of Rizo toner and rizo masters for the reproduction self learning modules. In behalf of all pupils, parents and teachers we are forever grateful thank you Overseas Development org."


"The whole district of Lantapan were very blessed and forever grateful that our school donations from ODE which is far from us. It signifies that distance could not hinder the will of ODE to help especially in the education system here in the Philippines."

Adela Rubio Ledres